
Last night on my way home on a bitter cold night I thought of the words”There was no room for them in the Inn”.There are thousands all over our country sleeping outside in these frigid conditions because they are homeless.Some have mental issues ,while others are caught in the net of poverty.There are powerful voices that wish to criminalize their plight.However,I hear the voices of people like Rob Hess and Sister Mary Scullion who challenge all of us to find ways to end homelessness.In this season of warmth and cheer let us not forget those on the margins who hope only to get through this bitter cold day.

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Inner Voice

There is a voice that has a permanent residence in my head. The name of the voice is”Gloom and Doom Sal”.Its’ main purpose is to consistently be negative and remind me of potential perils and past failures. I realize that it has permanent residence and cannot be evicted. However, I have removed all rights and privileges regarding influence and decision making. I have no power to completely rid myself of this pest but I have terminated any significant power to impede my goals and dreams.I suspect that I am not the only one that has such a creature taking up space and would recommend that you strip all abilities from them .It is impossible to evict the voice but you can strip them of their great influence and power.There is a voice that has a permanent residence in my head. The name of the voice is”Gloom and Doom Sal”.Its’ main purpose is to consistently be negative and remind me of potential perils and past failures. I realize that it has permanent residence and cannot be evicted. However, I have removed all rights and privileges regarding influence and decision making. I have no power to completely rid myself of this pest but I have terminated any significant power to impede my goals and dreams.I suspect that I am not the only one that has such a creature taking up space and would recommend that you strip all abilities from them .It is impossible to evict the voice but you can strip them of their great influence and power.

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I attended a marvelous presentation at our condo building last night. It was hosted by the Movement Voter Project which funds local groups across the country. The sole purpose of the organization is to have local residents go into their neighborhoods and register people to vote. The main focus is to register young persons and persons of color who have not been involved in the political process. The data is startling regarding the value of supporting these groups. A political TV add costs one hundred and twenty dollars and loses any effectiveness immediately after being aired. The same amount of money cah hire two community organizers for a year,The groups do not target just the national elections but local ones as well. Supporting this group now gives me hope that this approach is the way to have every vote count, and a significant step to giving the power back to the people. I will support this group financially and will not contribute to any candidate until a nominee is selected.

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Congratulations, because for one more day you hid your fears and lack of self-worth by abusing an innocent kid that had no chance to fight back. Your bravado and brutality may be celebrated by others lacking in self-esteem who use violence and bias to hide their internal terrors. Throw out your chest and prance around hoping that tomorrow you will once again be able to hide how terrified you are ,or that bullying may avoid that someone will see through your veil and realize that you are merely a shell of what you might be. When you are alone at home, or looking in the mirror there are no shouts of “hit him again’ to mask the self-hatred you experience, but rather know that the shame and revulsion that the meager part of your conscience has retained will at some moment confront your conscious mind.
You may hide all of this from those who are as frightened as you ,and feeding off each other’s self-hatred and bias may get you through another day, but it will gnaw at you and never allow you to experience what you might have become.

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I received word last night that my dear friend Perry died in Australia two days ago.He was, according to his son, living life fully until the end.He once told me that his philosophy was “every day is a gift ,and if we listen to the call of life we are born each day with the ability to do anything.”He was one of the most outgoing ,caring persons who had an antenna that picked up the needs of others. Age for him was a meaningless number ,and never stood in the way as an excuse.My only regret is that he never decided to write a book about his life and adventures.He,touched my life,with his wisdom,sense of humor and die hard belief in the goodness of others. I will find ways to take up the slack of his departure by being more fully invested in each day.

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New Leadership book

Just finished the first draft of a new Leadership book,

I believe that the book should be filled with promises for the reader.
The reader will :
have the understanding that they have the opportunity to lead
develop the value of their individual leadership style
Be able to make a choice about who they are as an adult
Understand the influence of unexamined beliefs and negative speech
Examine and have the ability to reject restrictive Leadership myths
Create a positive personal vision supported by concrete goals
Experience the value of coaches, allies and mentors
Have opportunities to influence personal and career choices
Experience positive ways to reframe personal and business relationships

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I have had the good fortune of experiencing more than my share of phenomenal mentors. They have showered me with insights about so many life issues and I wish to share some of those with others.To accomplish this I have decided to write brief email newsletters on select topics like leadership,coaching and goal setting.This of course would be gratis, and available to any and all that send me their email address. So if you or anyone you know would be interested in these periodic subjects just send the email addresses to setaglia@aol.com

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A dear friend who was somewhat down in the dumps asked me”What can I do to make a difference in this world?.” He felt that nothing that he did had any relevance, and that constant desire that is part of everyone to leave an imprint seemed out of reach. The need is so real, and is part of a great opportunity but often is lost in the belief that one person cannot make a significant difference. My advice to my friend was for him to become a volunteer in any organization that brought more light than darkness. Reaching out to fill the void that so many experience transforms every person that becomes a giver. In meeting the legitimate needs of those left out of the equation life brings fulfillment and meaning. The giver is changed for the better when she embraces those that have been marginalized and ignored by circumstances.

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Let it Go

Most of us pick up at least one grudge along the way.We have a file stored in our minds and souls about why we still feel anger and hurt. Our case is clear and anyone with an open mind would clearly understand why we still carry bruised feelings. Even if we are the party in the dispute that is innocent what value does this anger bring to our lives? Does it enable us to grow as persons and free us to spend time and energy on more positive pursuits? I have found that there is no current value in revisiting over and over the reasons why I am justified in continuing the grudge. I don’t have to be naive or gloss over my version of the truth but maybe it is time to let it go

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The Job Search

I am keenly aware that technology has changed the workplace in many ways. There are many positive benefits to this ,but there are also significant disruptions in the lives of many. Technology allows many employers to replace workers and downsizing has become common in this period of transition. This disruption in life often happens to those in their fifties and sixties. This loss of employment can be devastating and one can feel alone and defeated. The job search can be a very difficult time especially in a culture that often overlooks the talent and experience of those in mid life. I have had the blessing of working with many persons in career planning and feel a responsibility to reach out to any friend or acquaintance who finds themselves in this position. I would be honored to assist in any way possible in their job search.
If you know of anyone in that needs some assistance please give them my name and have them contact me at setaglia@aol.com

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